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Sunday, February 19, 2012

Bidirectional Path Tracing using Nvidia Optix , Part 2 (Diffuse + reflections)

After minimal changes , I present you my first reflections (Diffuse Coefficient is Kd=0.1 and reflectance coefficient Kr= 0.9 in this example, these probabilities are used in the Russian Roulette. )

In these two first posts, the intensity of the light is attenuating at each "hop" of the path ,  as a product  of : 
(2*π is used because at this point only diffuse surfaces are concidered)

Contribution is the brdf of the ray-hitpoint. 

In the next post(s) , i will try to improve this factor by adding the attenuation from the traversed distance(r^2) into the mix , also i will add refraction and specular coefficient 


  1. Cool results! Looking forward to the next post.

  2. Awesome results! I'm also working on a OptiX based renderer, and willing to help :)

  3. Thank you all ! I'm trying every day here but i have just started, it would be nice to help eachother on the way.

    Jdit89 do you have a blog/site where we can see your work ? Please send it to me

    1. sorry no blog...can you give me your email so i can send you some of my result?
